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Training no. C4 - Agenda

March 20th-24th, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) as digital tools inspiring females to choose fields of study related to science, technology, engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Acronym: AI4Females - Project no. 2021-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000033028

HOSTING PARTNER: Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego w Wysokiem Mazowieckiem; ul. Władysława Pelca 11; 18-200 Wysokie Mazowieckie

March 20th 2023 

9.00-9.15Welcome of participants;
9.15-10.30Brief presentation of the proposed didactic model to students. AI4FEMALES methodology;
10.30-10.45Presentation of the working area of the platform;
10.45-12.00Presenting to the participants the proposals of the demonstrators that are being performed;
12.00-13.30Lunch break;
13.30-16.00Visiting the CKZ facilities;
16.00Return to the hotel - rest and free time;

March 21th 2023

9.00-10.30Introduction to the Internet of Things;
10.30-12.00Working with Raspberry Pi;
12.00-13.30Lunch break;
13:30-16:00Getting to know and working with the Home Assistant;
16.00Return to the hotel - rest and free time.

March 22th 2023

9.00-10.30Familiarization with ESP boards;
10.30-12.00Practical work with ESP boards;
12.00-13.30Lunch break;
13.30-16.00Getting to know and using the ESP HOME tool;
16.00Return to the hotel - rest and free time.

   March 23th 2023
9.00-10.30Introduction to work related to the principles of operation and programming;
10.30-12.00Communication modules. Node-Red, MQTT, ... protocols;
12.00-13.30Lunch break;
13.30-16.00Connecting ESP boards and using the software;
16.00Return to the hotel - rest and free time.

   March 24th 2023
9.00-10.30Control of devices using the MQTT client;
10.30-12.00Control of devices using ALEXA;
12.00-13.30Lunch break;
13:30-16.00Assessment of the course, discussions, handing out certificates;
16.00Return to the hotel.